Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)

0. In order to attend blood donation
1. Launch application on device
2. Display menu
3. To attend Event
     3.1 Display all latest event
     3.2 Select event of choice
3.2.1 View location
  3.2.2 Show location on Maps(screenshot of map)
  3.2.3 To register for event If new donor, fill in the form If no error, display suitable message Generate QR-barcode Display and notify QR code is save If error, display suitable error message Repeat 3.3.1 If existing donor, generate QR-barcode Display and notify QR code is save
4. Update/new profile
     4.1 Display profile
     4.2 Edit profile
4.2.1 If no error, display suitable message
4.2.2 If error, display suitable error message
5. View Donation History
     5.1 View list of donation history
6. View My QR Code
     6.1 Display QR code generated and saved after register
7. Share on Social Media
     7.1 Select Social Media(Facebook,Twitter)
     7.2 Message to shared generate by application
     7.3 Click on Share button
8. Help on application
     8.1 Display selection
     8.2 About iBlood
  8.2.1 Display User Manual about the application
     8.3 Select Frequent Asked Question(FAQ)
8.3.1 Display Frequent Asked Question(FAQ)
     8.4 Select Information
8.4.1 Display information regarding blood donation
9. Select Settings
    9.1 Display selection
9.1.1 Change theme(preset)
9.1.2 Turn on/off notification for new event
9.1.3 Select Search Option Select state or distance

Plan 0; do 1-9
Plan 3; do 3.1-3.2 if select event expected do Plan 3.2
Plan 3.2 ; do 3.2.1-3.2.3 if register for event expected do Plan 3.2.3
Plan 3.2.3; do - if error expected do Plan
Plan; do
Plan 4; do 4.1-4.2 if edit profile expected do Plan 4.2
Plan 4.2; do 4.2.1-4.2.2 if error expected to repeat Plan 4
Plan 5; do 5.1
Plan 6; do 6.1
Plan 7; do 7.1-7.3
Plan 8; do 8.1-8.4 if About iBlood is selected expected do Plan 8.2
  if else FAQ is selected expected do Plan 8.3
  else select Information expected do Plan 8.4
Plan 8.2; do 8.2.1
Plan 8.3; do 8.3.1
Plan 8.4; do 8.4.1
Plan 9; do 9.1 if selection is choose expected to Plan 9.1
Plan 9.1; do 9.1.1-9.1.3 if Search Option is selected expected do Plan 9.1.3
Plan 9.1.3; do

Dokumen asal HTA(graphical) : HTA Graphical in Cloud Storage


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